
Scottish Ref: Post debate boost to yes campaign

August 28, 2014 — by

Now the second and final debate has passed between Alex Salmond and Alastair Darling, we thought we’d analyse the effects of the debate on the respective campaigns by analysing the Twitter reaction. Below is a graph of our Blurrt Scorre® for the Yes and No campaigns for the period from 25 & 26 Aug. Our Blurrt Scorre® measures both Twitter volume and sentiment to provide a metric on a scale of 0 – 100.

From analysing the Twitter sentiment during the debate, it was clear that Alex Salmond was the winner on the night. What the Blurrt Scorre® shows is the effect this had on the Yes Campaign. Their score jumped from 39 during the debate (21:30) to 77.99 at 23:19, less than 2 hours later. An overwelming positive boost to the Yes campaign, who manintained their lead during the 26 Aug, when the UK media conducted their debate post-mortem.


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